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Equality, diversity, and human rights

Our commitment
As a Trust we are committed to ensuring we provide an inclusive and respectful working environment and workplace culture for our staff, stakeholders and patients. We will not condone ANY form of discrimination. The examples below do not cover all types of discrimination.
- Race/ethnicity (the colour of someone’s skin or their ethnic background)
- Religion
- Age
- Gender
- Prejudice against a person because of their groups sexuality (Biphobia, homophobic and transphobic)
- Disability (including neurodiversity)
We will actively work to eliminate any form of discrimination, supporting staff and service users to raise and report any concerns they have and addressing issues in a timely manner. We are also committed to educating staff and raising awareness about the value and importance of good equality, diversity and inclusion practice. We’re all in this together; working together to deliver outstanding care inside and out.
What is equality?
Equality is about recognising that each one of us is unique, valuing everyone as an individual, creating a fairer society, where everyone can participate and has the opportunity to fulfil their potential.
Equality is recognising that discrimination is unacceptable regardless of people's gender, race, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, ethnic or national origin, marital status, age, colour, disability, carer status or social background. To treat everybody with equality does actually mean to treat people differently with equity, as we all have very different needs and requirements.
What is diversity?
Diversity literally means difference. It is about recognising individual as well as group differences and placing positive value on diversity in the workplace. It is not about creating a level playing field and treating everyone equally, it is about treating everyone fairly.
Diversity is the many distinct characteristics that staff, patients, carers and families bring to our organisation. These distinct characteristics bring variations of thinking, communication styles, skills and personalities that are respected and valued.
What are human rights?
Fair treatment is fundamental – unless people are treated with dignity and respect they will not feel valued.
Respect for human rights of an individual or group is fundamental to ensuring their quality of life. At the core of Human Rights are the principles of FREDA – fairness, respect, equality, dignity and autonomy. These principles are fundamental to the NHS and our organisation.
The economic, social and cultural rights, including the rights to fair employment conditions and health care without discrimination, are relevant to the NHS as both an employer and service provider.
All trust employees/volunteers have a personal responsibility to implement and promote equality, diversity and human rights in our day-to-day contact with service users, with each other and partners. We have a moral duty which is re-enforced by legislation. If we break the law this could result in huge financial costs to the Trust as well as wasting time and resources to do something we should be doing anyway.
Our staff
In order to achieve growth and success in today’s environment we need to fully engage all the talent, potential and ability of every member of our staff. We need to value the richness that diversity brings, and its positive influence on the services that the Trust provides.
Our patients
We need to ensure that all individuals within our community, from whatever background, have fair and equal access to the services we provide, while respecting their different needs and cultural backgrounds.
The trust is recognised by several organisations which promote equality, diversity and inclusion: