Sexual Health Training

The Worcestershire Integrated Sexual Health Service offer a variety of training opportunities for professionals in Worcestershire.

Please use the drop-downs below to view course details and booking information.

The sexual health promotion team have a wealth of experience supporting staff working with young and vulnerable people. We help plan relationship & sexual health education curriculum for schools and colleges. We provide staff training on topics relating to relationships and sexual health to help fellow professionals cascade key messages with confidence. 

The courses below are free for professionals working in Worcestershire For further information and to discuss training for you and your team, please contact

C-Card Scheme

This course introduces staff to the condom distribution scheme in Worcestershire.  By the end of the session staff will be offered the chance to sign up to the scheme in order to distribute condoms to the young and vulnerable people they work with.
Book your place

C-card refresher

For staff who have already completed the C-card training.  This is a refresher course delivered by a pre-recorded presentation.

Please request a copy of the presentation.

RSE for school staff

RSE in schools – what’s required and how do I deliver RSE?

This course has been designed for teachers who have responsibility for planning and or delivering school based RSE which is now a statutory requirement for all schools.

This course is suitable for new qualified teachers who wish to learn more about RSE and for teachers who may be required to coordinate or deliver RSE in the future and would like to know more about what is required.


Non-clinical training

  • Pornography & the impact it has on young people’s relationships
  • Gender & Sexuality awareness
  • Sexual Health & Relationships for staff working with people who have SEND / LD
  • Condom distribution scheme – training for staff.

Further training for professionals

Specialist Sexual Health staff from Worcestershire Integrated Sexual Health Service, together with GP colleagues with a specialist interest in sexual health, offer the below courses to professionals in Worcestershire who wish to develop their sexual and reproductive healthcare knowledge and skills.

Please email the WISH Training Team for all queries.

FSRH SRH Essentials for Primary Care

Are you a primary care practitioner interested in developing your sexual and reproductive healthcare knowledge and skills?

Then our SRH Essentials in Primary Care course is for you.

The SRH Essentials Course is aimed at healthcare practitioners working in primary care settings.  It provides an interactive day with scenario-based learning, presentations, time for discussion, questions and role play. It is relevant for those that want  an introduction to SRH.  Itis a useful update for experienced staff.

 At the end of the course, you will be able to:

Develop the skills and confidence to consult with patients about their sexual and reproductive healthcare needs

Recommend an appropriate method of emergency contraception 

Review the COC, POP and injection contraceptive methods

Carry out sexual health risk assessments 

Identify when patients are at risk of STIs

Who is this course for?           
GPs, GP Registrars, Nurses, Physician’s Associates, Paramedics,  Pharmacists and other Healthcare staff working in Primary Care

This full day course is run by Specialist Sexual Health Staff from WISH as well as GP Colleagues with special interest in Sexual Health

Upcoming dates


Any queries please email the WISH training team

FSRH Essential contraception following childbirth

Are you involved in care following childbirth, and interested in developing your sexual and reproductive healthcare knowledge and skills? Then our Essential contraception following childbirth course is for you. The Royal College of Midwives have accredited this course.

This course is for healthcare staff  who provide care following childbirth. It is  an interactive day with scenario-based learning, presentations, time for discussion, questions and role play.

It is relevant for all staff working with patients following birth, who want an introduction to contraception.  It provides a useful update for experienced staff.

At the end of the course, you will be able to:

Describe the currently available contraceptive methods

Discuss the main advantages and disadvantages of these contraceptive methods

Identify contraindications to contraceptive methods by using the UKMEC

Understand when contraception can be started after pregnancy

Introduce contraception into consultations with pregnant and recently delivered patients

Understand the use of “Bridging contraception”

Who is this course for?           
Staff who work in a relevant setting including Doctors, Midwives, Health Visitors, and other Allied Professionals. 

This half day course is  run by Specialist Sexual Health Staff from WISH as well as GP Colleagues with special interest in Sexual Health

Upcoming dates!

Dates TBC

Cost: £125 book here if you are experiencing issues with Eventbrite, please access the link from an alternative browser to Internet Explorer, such as Chrome.

Any queries please email WISH Training team 

FSRH Assessment half day (AHD)

The Assessment half day forms part of the assessment for the Diploma from the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (DFSRH)

It is a standardised assessment which is completed face to face.

It consists of two parts:

a written assessment that last for one hour.

Four stations that will be completed in rotation.  Before you go into each station, you will have a short time to read through each case scenario to understand which skills and knowledge are being assessed

It is recommended that the AHD is undertaken towards the end of your journey, once you  have completed the majority of  learning and assessments for the DFSRH.

Who is this course for? Anyone eligible to undertake the DFSRH including Doctors, Nurses,  Physician’s Associates, Pharmacists, Midwives

Cost £250

This half day course is run by specialist staff from WISH

Any queries please contact WISH Training team