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Research and Development
Best Patient Care, Clinical & Health Research and You
Here at Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust (HWHCT) our Research Team explores a wide array of mental health conditions including depression, psychosis and bipolar disorder. We also undertake research in other fields including dementia, complex neurology, dietetics and musculoskeletal conditions and want to expand into all areas of health & care within HWHCT.
Our mission is to maximise opportunities for patients, carers and staff to participate in research, as per the Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) Key Line of Enquiry: W8, the Trust’s Annual Business Plan, and our Research-Strategy
Why is clinical and health research important?
This short film offers a great overview explaining what clinical and health research is and why it is so important.
“Evidence based medicine (EBM) is the bedrock of healthcare provision in the NHS. Clinical research adds to EBM and is what enables healthcare professionals to decide how to best treat illnesses and conditions. It is what makes the development of new medicines, new procedures and new therapies possible. Without clinical research, we would not be able to decide if new interventions are better than our current interventions. It is how healthcare professionals find the most effective methods of care for our patients.”
Dr John Devapriam: Medical Director and Executive lead for research at HWHCT
“Research is vital to improving healthcare, reducing disability, and improving the quality of our lives. This is everyone’s business, and those who participate in clinical research make an incredibly valuable and important contribution to our shared society.”
Professor Peter Langdon: Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Honorary Director of Research at HWHCT
Find out more about the research opportunities available to patients in this Trust here: Research and You A5 Leaflet 3.pdf [pdf] 1MB
- February Research newsletter out now. (4.2.25 — click on 'local news')
- Rainbows for Research art competition — winners announced! View here. (17.12.24)
- (28.10.24): Our virtual Research and Development conference (ran 14-18 Oct 2024) recordings are now available to listen back here.
Our aims are:
- Improve patient care through the development of new treatments and ways of providing patient services
- Equip our staff with the skills and confidence to identify areas that could be improved
- Provide training and the tools to enable staff involvement at every level and measure impact
- Continue to develop meaningful collaborations with Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) groups, external higher education institutions and research consortiums and networks
- Share and celebrate the outcomes from clinical and health research
Clinical and health research improves patient care
At some point in our lives we have all personally benefitted from clinical and health research. From childhood vaccines, cancer treatments and scans, to investigating new treatments for dementia, talking therapies and fighting Covid-19, the NHS and its patients benefit from clinical and health research every day. Evidence from the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) also shows that research active healthcare settings have better patient outcomes.
Clinical and health research is critical to find and develop new treatments for the future
Healthcare professionals know a great deal about health, disease and medicines, but much remains uncertain. Research can find answers to the things that are unknown, filling gaps in knowledge and improving the way that healthcare professionals work and deliver services.
Professional personal development
Feedback from staff who have been involved in clinical and health research is fantastic. Taking part helps develop skills and knowledge whilst improving treatment pathways for patients.