Children's Physiotherapy (Paediatric)

Paediatric physiotherapy specialises in children and young people between 0-18 years, or 19 years if your child is in full-time education within a Worcestershire special school. 

Physiotherapists will usually be involved at an early stage of your child’s development and work with active exercise. They focus on joint range, muscle tone, movement and gross motor activities.

Self-management and independence is an important aspect of the service. Treatment sessions vary greatly depending on your individual need and include:

  • Regular reviews to identity change of need and treatment plan, specific to individual needs
  • We are able to demonstrate and guide other people involved in your child’s care on how to carry out treatment advice
  • Assessment and advice to identify any specialist equipment need that will help your child improve their functional ability and mobility
  • We provide a physiotherapy report for Educational Health and Care Plans for children who are already under our care
  • We work closely with other services such as; Occupational Therapy, Health Visitors, Paediatricians and the Orthotics service as well as liaising with consultants and other health professionals in different health care settings.

We follow national and local professional guidelines and have a robust training and review structure as well as working to the professional standards of the Health Care Professions Council (HCPC) and professional bodies. All team members have been subject to Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks.

Physiotherapy drop-in clinic

We're running a drop-in clinic for parents and carers of children aged 0-5 years old, with concerns about sitting, walking and moving (gross motor skills).

The drop-in service runs alongside Starting Well's Stay, Weigh and Play, a great opportunity to speak with a member of our team and other families.

Date: First Monday of the month

Time: 9:30 — 11:00am

Location: Brookside Family Hub, Borrington Road, Kidderminster, DY10 3ED

Further information

  • Visit our Youtube Channel to access a range of videos produced by staff from our Children's Therapy Teams to help support the wellbeing and development of your family.
  • The ‘Early Years Movement Hub’ which has been produced as a result of the Starting2Move project.  The Starting2Move Project is led by The Association of Paediatric Chartered Physiotherapists (APCP) to support movement for all, from the very beginning of life.

Professionals - Make a referral for physiotherapy

Paediatric Physiotherapy provides assessment and therapeutic intervention within the community to children across Worcestershire. We work with a range of children who may have neurological, developmental, orthopaedic conditions, and musculoskeletal conditions.

Aims of the service

  • To support and empower parents/carers to promote their child’s physical development, in order to maximise the child’s potential and meet their individual goals.
  • To work in collaboration with the child/young person, their parents and carers, and other professionals from health, social care and education.

Who can refer to the service?

Referrals are accepted from health care professionals. We do not accept self-referrals or referrals from non-health professionals.

Who can be referred?

Children/young people from birth up until their 18th birthday:

  • With consent from the person with parental responsibility, or child themselves if considered to have Gillick competence 
  • Those registered with a Worcestershire GP
  • Who have a ‘Looked After’ arrangement with Worcestershire Local Authority and continue to reside in Worcestershire with a Worcestershire GP OR who have a ‘Looked after’ arrangement with another Local Authority and are placed in Worcestershire with individual funding agreement.
  • If the child/young person is a student at a special school in Worcestershire, we will accept referrals up to a young person’s 19th birthday for school-based issues only.
  • Any child placed in a Worcestershire school with a GP out of county will be considered on an individual basis with liaison with their local NHS service.

For guidance on referrals and what we do/don't accept please refer to our referral criteria.

How to refer:

  • Referrers should complete our referral form in full. The form is available on Carenotes or can be downloaded directly from this page:  Download our referral form 

Please note ALL our referrals should be sent electronically via our generic email address


Re-referrals will be triaged through the same process to confirm a new difficulty or a change impacting on function.

or further information, please contact us: