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Spasticity Management Team (Worcestershire)

  • Service Contact:
  • Address: William Astley Ward Evesham Community Hospital Waterside, Evesham, WR11 1JT
  • Reception phone number: 01386 502417
  • Service hours: Business hours: Monday to Friday, office hours (Clinics and home visits are delivered across the county)


Who can make a referral ?

Any healthcare professional who is able to provide the relevant information about the client and their needs.

Referrals to be sent to:

WINRS Referral form

Please ensure enough detail is provided to ensure the referral can be triaged by the team and actioned promptly.

Acceptance Criteria

Urgent Criteria

  • Waterlow of 20 or above, where spasticity is likely to be the cause or significant contributing factor to skin breakdown
  • Spastic posturing of foot leading to falls, in combination with cognitive impairment, so unable to understand risk of walking
  • House and bedbound patients (ie unable to sit out of bed in any type of seating). 

Routine Criteria

  • All other referrals

About the service

Services we provide

The team consists of an Advanced Clinical Practitioner, Specialist Physiotherapist and Specialist Nurse who provide comprehensive assessment and treatment of adults living with spasticity which is impacting on their function and quality of life.

Who is the service for?

Adults living with a neurological condition that has led to spasticity (involuntary muscle stiffness and spasms) with a Worcestershire GP. Clients need to have a functional goal for intervention and be able to comply with or be supported with advice.

What does the service offer?

Specialist assessment and treatment as indicated at either the client’s home or within an Outpatient clinic at Evesham Community Hospital, Malvern Hospital and Princess of Wales Hospital.

What do we do at an assessment?

We will provide a comprehensive and holistic assessment of the condition, spasticity and the problems this causes in day-to-day life. The assessment will explore what impacts on muscle tightness as we know there are certain triggers such as bladder, bowel, skin, pain.

There will be a physical assessment completed including measurements of the limbs affected then there will be a consultative discussion regarding the treatment options available including:

  • Oral medication
  • Stretches, home exercise programme and positioning advise
  • Splinting and footwear
  • Managing the factors that make the spasticity worse such as relieving constipation, treating bladder problems etc)
  • Botulinum toxin injections into specific muscle groups
  • Referral on for more invasive treatment or surgical intervention may need to be considered

Clients will be provided with a treatment plan on self-management to work through by themselves or with family members or carers. There will be a review in the weeks following the treatment via phone or face to face as appropriate.