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Community Paediatric Service - Worcestershire
The Community Paediatric Team are Specialist Children’s Doctors (Paediatricians) and Advanced Clinical Practitioners who have experience in child health between 0 to 18 years. They see children in a community setting and provide ongoing care if there is a clinical need. They complete clinical assessments for children and young people with long-term disability, developmental delay, neurodevelopmental conditions for example, ADHD and Autism.
- Service hours: 9:00am - 4:30pm
- About the service
- What we do
- Contact details
- Referral
- Links and resources
- Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
- Support while you wait - Children and families in Worcestershire
About the service
Community Paediatricians work closely with children young people and families, also teams and professionals from education settings and social care to ensure that a child is looked after in a joined-up way in every environment they experience.
This means that we are very aware of the problems or difficulties children may have in school and/or at home and we can work together to ensure the child’s needs are met.
We have a statutory (legal) duty to tell the local education authority about any preschool children who are likely to need extra help in school. To do this we send a referral form to the Local Education Authority which is then discussed in a meeting called the Preschool Forum. In this meeting children with extra needs are discussed and appropriate help is allocated. More information about this can be found in the Worcestershire Local Offer and Graduated Response
We always ask for parents’ or guardians’ permission before this referral is completed and for this discussion to take place.
The service is currently experiencing unprecedented demand and as a result, there is a significant waiting list for assessment and support. At triage, cases will be risk assessed and clinically prioritised due to the urgency of their need. Please be assured that the team are doing all they can to reduce waiting times.
Our doctors and advanced practitioners
Our doctors and advanced practitioners have a lot of experience in a wide range of conditions and are highly skilled in doing assessments to understand why children and young people experience difficulties or have delays in their development. They also have the expertise to manage complex diagnosis and disabilities.
Our doctors and advanced practitioners have close links with doctors in general practice and in hospitals. They refer to and liaise with a wide variety of health professionals with specialist expertise, including Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services and where needed Community Children’s Nursing and Palliative Care Teams.
We work with other agencies to support vulnerable children such as those in care or going through the adoption process. We also provide medical advice to education for children with special educational needs.
We see pre-school and school-age children. This is usually up to the age of 16, but in some cases we see children up to the age of 18 with a Worcestershire GP.
What we do
The children and young people who are seen by Community Paediatrics include:
Children and young people who experience:
- Development delay or disorder in more than one domain
- Social and communication difficulties in pre-school children
- Motor difficulties with neurological anomalies
- Regression of development with loss of skills
- Assessment of complex behaviours which have severe impact on functioning
- Sensory impairment including aetiology of sensori-neural hearing loss
- Management and overview of complex long term health conditions requiring ongoing medical management by a Community Paediatrician
Community paediatricians also have:
- Statutory responsibilities for Special Educational Needs assessments (EHCP)
- Statutory responsibilities for Child Protection, Looked after Children and adoption — Visit Anchor — our wellbeing service for Looked after Children.
- Responsibility to participate in specialist pathways including e.g. WMSAS/Umbrella/SUDIC
Contact details
Due to the increased demand into the service, we are making changes to the way you can contact us. The best way to contact us is via the new online form, which you can complete using the link below:
Complete the Community Paedatrics contact form here
The below contacts numbers can still be used by parents, carers and professionals and will be open from 9am-11am and 2pm-4pm.
Medical Admin Team - For queries relating to changes in a child’s condition, or if you seek test results.
- Phone: 01905 520666
- Email:
Lines are open Monday – Friday 9:00am – 11:00am, and 2:00pm – 4:00pm.
Appointments Team – For queries about new referrals and appointments
- Phone: 01905 681071
- For queries about new referrals please contact:
- For queries about appointments please contact:
Lines are open Monday – Friday 9:00am – 11:00am, and 2:00pm – 4:00pm.
Our teams are here to help. We recognise how emotive the care of a loved one can be and politely ask you to refrain from abuse or aggression of any kind.
We accept referrals from all children’s health professionals, including GPs, health visitors, school health nurses, other paediatricians, and therapists e.g. speech therapists and occupational therapists. We also accept referrals from early intervention family support workers, special educational needs coordinators and special schools. Referrals must be made using the service referral form.
- SEN Support in Mainstream Settings- The Graduated Response - Herefordshire & Worcestershire SENDIASS
- Understanding the Graduated Response video - Herefordshire & Worcestershire SENDIASS
- Community Paediatrics Referral Form
- Community Paediatrics ADHD Pathway
Please email all referrals to the Community Paediatrics Team.
If you require any of this information in an alternative format, please let us know so your needs can be recorded and responded to.
Links and resources
If you have any questions or queries, please consult our frequently asked questions (FAQs) which include guidance on matters relating to referrals, appointments, the service, how to contact us and how to provide feedback. View FAQs.
Useful resources
On our useful resources page, you will find links and contact information for organisations we work with who provide a range of different services to young people and their families, including support with wellbeing, disability, behaviour, sleep, speech and language and mental health. View our useful resources page.
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
All children should have access to the right services, at the right time, to make sure they can reach their full potential. We work together with other agencies to ensure that the right professionals are involved at the right time to meet the needs of you and your child. Find out more about how we support children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
Support while you wait - Children and families in Worcestershire
Support is available to children and young people, as well as their families, who find themselves experiencing long waits for appointments with health services in Worcestershire.
We understand that the length of time waiting for services can be worrying and frustrating. As a system we are working to improve waiting times for children, young people and their families.
Visit the Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care System (ICS) website to access support.