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Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)

  • We are a specialist part-time service that delivers support and treatment to people with ME/CFS within community settings across Herefordshire and Worcestershire.

  • Address: Malvern Community Hospital 185 Worcester Road, Malvern, WR14 1EX
  • Reception phone number: 01684 612671
  • Service hours: We are a part-time service and an answerphone is available when we are out of the office - please feel free to leave us a message and we will get back to you as soon as we are able. If you require immediate assistance or help, please contact your own GP practice. GP & Dental Out of Hours: 0300 123 3211. Email:

About the service

We are a specialist part-time service that delivers support and treatment to people over the age of 18 with ME/CFS within community settings across Herefordshire and Worcestershire.

ME/CFS is a long-term illness with a wide range of symptoms. The most common symptom is debilitating fatigue, worsened by activity and not adequately relieved by rest.

ME/CFS is a fluctuating condition that affects everyone differently, and symptoms and their severity can change over a day, week or longer. It varies in long-term outlook from person to person – although a proportion of people recover or have a long period of remission, many will need to adapt to living with ME/CFS. The impact that symptoms have on each person’s life varies but can generally be improved with the use of self-management strategies, support and advice. Relapses and flare-ups are not uncommon but with experience and awareness, these can be managed to reduce the impact they have on daily life.

As we have found that virtual appointments (via video call) are beneficial in helping people manage their fatigue, the majority of our interventions are now offered in this way. If, however, you would prefer a telephone call or face-to-face appointment, please let us know as this can be arranged.

As a service we aim to maximise functional independence by promoting self-management, with the overall aim of enhancing the individual's quality of life.


For a referral to be accepted by the service the patient must;

  • Have a confirmed diagnosis of ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 
  • Require specialist intervention for their CFS/ME symptoms
  • Have a GP practice located within Herefordshire or Worcestershire.
  • Be over 18 years of age

Please see the referral protocol or NICE guideline ng206 for details of symptomology and tests that should be done in order to confirm a diagnosis of ME/CFS

ME CFS Therapy Referral Form

General information

Once a referral has been accepted, all patients are invited to attend an initial assessment. This is a chance for us to introduce our service and what we can offer, find out more about the person’s symptoms and how they affect daily life, and to provide some basic information about the condition. A personalised care and support plan will be agreed in collaboration with the therapist and patient. A family member or friend is also welcome to attend this appointment.

The main aspect of our treatment is our Lifestyle Management group programme, held over 9 sessions. It offers patients the opportunity to learn more about the ways in which they can manage their condition, with the aim of improving functional independence and quality of life.

Following discharge

The Recovery and Management (RaM) group is run on a bi monthly basis. It is open to anybody who has previously received treatment from our service and has now been discharged. The group aims to provide individuals with a feeling of connection, and an avenue to access support for their ME/CFS, without having to be re-referred to the service.

There is no obligation for you to attend any of the sessions: you may want to attend one or two, or all sessions; this is completely your choice. Some people may find it beneficial to simply be aware of the available support if they did need it. The only requirement of your attendance is that you have previous received care under our service.

All sessions will be facilitated by staff members of the Worcestershire CFS/ME service.

During the session

Each session will last for 1.5 hours, with a screen break halfway through. The first part of the group will cover a topic relevant to the management of ME/CFS and is sometimes led by a guest speaker, talking on an area of their expertise.

There is also opportunity to ask questions or discuss any queries that you may have regarding your condition or the service.

Group Meeting Dates 
Date Time Topic
7th February 2024 2 — 3:30pm 

Qi Gong

(Jo Judd)
10th April 2024 2 — 3:30pm 

Ask the experts

(bring your questions and experience!)

5th June 2024 2 — 3:30pm


7th August 2024 2 — 3:30pm


2nd October 2024 2 — 3:30pm


4th December 2024 2 — 3:30pm


If you would like to attend this group, please let the team know so that you can sent the link to join.

Carers’ Assessment

Many friends and family members do not think of themselves as ‘carers’, however if any of your time and energy is spent supporting someone with ME/CFS that they could not manage without, then you are considered to be a carer and are therefore entitled to support for yourself.

Having a Carers’ Assessment is your opportunity to talk with a Social/Health Care Worker about your needs and feelings as a carer. The purpose of the assessment is to consider;

How caring impacts on your life and allows you to talk about your needs

The support needed to help you to continue to provide care or to decide who should provide this if you are unable to continue

Your own health and family commitments as well as your work, education and training needs, and the impact that your caring role might have on these.

Further information for friends and family members


  • Fighting Fatigue by Sue Pemberton and Catherine Berry
  • Mindfulness for Health by Vidyamala Burch and Danny Penman
  • Can I tell you about ME/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? A guide for friends, family and professionals by Jacqueline Rayner