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Cantilupe Ward - Stonebow

  • Cantilupe ward is a purpose-built ward for older adults in Herefordshire who are living with Dementia but have problems with behavioural expressions of unmet need. The ward sometimes provides care and treatment for patients who have a functional mental health issue but may also have a cognitive impairment.

  • Base: Cantilupe Ward,Stonebow Unit Stonebow Road Hereford HR1 2ER.
  • Service Manager Lead: Alex Patrick
  • Address: Cantilupe Ward,  Stonebow Unit,  Stonebow Road, Hereford, HR1 2ER
  • Reception phone number: 01432 220990

About the ward

Cantilupe ward is a purpose-built ward for older adults in Herefordshire who are living with Dementia but have problems with behavioural expressions of unmet need. The ward sometimes provides care and treatment for patients who have a functional mental health issue but may also have a cognitive impairment.

What we do

Cantilupe ward is run in a Multidisciplinary way. The team consists if a designated ward consultant, Nurses, occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, and psychologists. The aim of the team is to support the mental and physical health, as well as the social care needs of the patient in a holistic manner.

Care is provided in a secure environment. Although the ward is mixed sex, all patients on the ward have their own room with ensuite bathroom ensuring privacy and dignity. The ward is designed with older adults with Dementia in mind and this is enhanced with the artwork on the ward which reflects rural life in Herefordshire and surrounding areas. The ward has 2 garden areas providing outside space.

Patients are encouraged to spend time off the ward with staff and to engage in appropriate ward-based activities that have been identified by formulation of a wellbeing care plan supported by the ward occupational therapist.


The ward does not accept self-referrals. Referral to the ward is via a mental health professional or the Mental health Liaison team.

Patients are admitted to the ward on a voluntary or informal basis, and some patients may be admitted under mental health legislation called the Mental Health Act. The ward is a safe environment where we can monitor who is coming onto the ward and who is leaving the ward at any given time. Entry and exit of the ward is by a locked door with a card access or through a visual and audio intercom system.

General information

Family and carers are encouraged to visit their loved one on the ward but are required to book visits in advance to ensure that there is room availability to accommodate the visit. We will endeavour to be flexible depending on personal circumstances. Patients are generally encouraged to spend time off the ward with family and carers when they are well enough to do so.

Contact details

Service Lead / Matron – Alex Patrick
Ward Manager – Ian Richards

Cantilupe Ward
Stonebow Unit
Stonebow Road
Telephone : 01432 220990