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Our Quality and Safety Standards
At Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust, the quality and safety of your care are our highest priorities. There are national and local standards, policies and procedures to ensure you have the best possible outcomes and experience.
We adhere to the NHS Constitution for our standards and waiting times. We are inspected and regulated by national organisations who ensure we provide services to expected levels and meet our commitments within the National Health Service. We also take very seriously the feedback we get from patients and visitors and respond to concerns when they arise.
Gender Pay Gap
The requirements on reporting gender pay have been set by the Government under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap (GPG) Information Regulations 2017).
The gender pay gap differs from equal pay. Equal pay is in relation to pay differences between men and women who carry out the same job for different pay and is unlawful. The gender pay gap is the difference in average pay of all men and the average pay of all women employed in our Trust. It is possible to have pay equality but still have a gender pay gap.
The majority of our staff are on ‘Agenda for Change’ Terms and Conditions of Service, a national evaluation framework and pay structure which determines pay bandings. Within each band there are a number of incremental pay progression points that apply to both men and women, which can take up to 8 years to be realise the top of the band. Under the right circumstances this can be a contributing factor to the gender pay gap.
Healthcare is delivered 24/7, 365 days of the year, this results in some staff working unsocial hours, being ‘on-call’ and working public holidays, in recognition of this they receive enhanced pay in addition to basic pay. This mainly applies to clinical staff and some non-clinical senior managers and is another contributing factor to the gender pay gap.Further reading:
Find out more about the Gender Pay Gap on the website.