
WEST spread cheer for all to hear

 WEST delivering presents to schools The South Worcestershire Wellbeing and Emotional Support Team (WEST) run by Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust have been spreading festive cheer by distributing gifts to deprived children and young people in the Worcester area.

WEST work with a number of schools across Herefordshire and Worcestershire to tackle the challenges children and young people face when experiencing mental health difficulties.

The team were able to set up an Amazon Wishlist to encourage people to donate presents to help families who need it the most at Christmas time, ensuring a child has at least one present to open at Christmas.

WEST dressed up for Christmas with Santa sacks

There were 150 presents donated in total making a difference to the Christmases of 150 children this year.

The WEST team spent two days wrapping the gifts which included a note from Santa. These have been donated to pupils at five schools across Worcester; Oasis Academy Warndon, Cranham Primary School, Hollymount Primary School, Honeywell Primary and Westlands First School.

Brogan Gibbons, Operational Lead for the South Worcestershire Wellbeing and Emotional Support Teams in Schools said: “I am astounded at the huge success of this initiative, and we have been able to reach more families than we could have imagined!  To be able to make a difference to so many children at this time of year has reminded myself and the whole team the real spirit of Christmas - giving to those in need.”

 WEST food surplus donations “Watching the reactions of staff when receiving the presents and hearing how this is going to help some families really is heart-warming   but equally saddening.

"If it wasn’t for hearing about the efforts Miss Turner at Cranham Primary School, I wouldn’t have felt so inspired to do more. Between us both we have also successfully arranged at least a weekly surplus food donation to Cranham school which is now being used to ensure families can have a Christmas Dinner! Thank you to everyone who donated, it really has made a huge difference.”

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