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The hidden NHS Team improving patient’s lives in Worcestershire

Often working behind the scenes in the NHS, Worcestershire’s Integrated Community Equipment Service (ICES) provides vital support to individuals recovering after illness or injury.
Provided by Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust, the Integrated Community Equipment Service in Worcestershire supplies mobility aids and adaptive equipment to enable people with disabilities to maximise or maintain their independence and health. The service also helps people who are recovering from illness, following operations or physical injury, to return home as soon as possible after a stay in hospital.
The benefits extend beyond the hospital and into the community, with equipment enabling people to remain independent in their own homes - preventing unnecessary hospital admissions where possible.
On average, the service provides approximately 240 pieces of equipment every working week day to patients in Worcestershire.
One family member thanked the service for all they have done, saying they were "overwhelmed by the efficiency and kindness shown by everyone involved in [their loved ones] care".
Hannah Wilson, Deputy Director of Nursing and Therapies explained "High quality patient care is at the heart of everything the Integrated Community Equipment Service do as a team. They are with patients for their full care journey, and it's the services aim to ensure people are able to live their life to the fullest, and where possible, remain independent in a familiar and comforting environment - their homes."
Mark Cutler, Warehouse Manager for ICES said "I am extremely proud to work in a team who prides themselves on delivering their best to enhance patient care. From the staff who fix walking frames, to the people who deliver the equipment straight to patient's homes, everyone in the team has a vital part to play and their hard work is recognised by the people whose lives they impact."
The service refurbishes used NHS equipment, such as stools, commodes, walking frames, and trolleys so that it can be reused by others who need it the most and would encourage individuals with equipment that they no longer require to return it for re use.
Hannah adds "Following a patient’s recovery, NHS equipment that is no longer required can sit there unused, gathering dust in someone’s house. Often people don't realise they can return equipment back to the service to be restored and reused. Not only do refurbished items support another patient’s recovery, but they also help healthcare services save money that can be used elsewhere to benefit patient care.”
NHS issued equipment can be returned to the service warehouse on Crown Lane, Wychbold between 9am-3pm, Monday – Friday. Anyone with queries can call 01527 869104. Alternatively, collections can be arranged for free by calling the same number above or by visiting the service website.
Pictured – Rob Stain, Driver for the Integrated Community Equipment Service