
Santa delivers a dose of festive cheer to poorly children

Families supported by Worcestershire’s Orchard Service - the County's Children's Community Nursing and Palliative Care Team were treated to a visit from the main man and his little helpers at Salwarpe Village Hall, Droitwich on Monday.

Christmas cheer was in full swing as children and their families met Santa in his inflatable grotto, where each child received a special thought-out gift.

But the fun didn’t stop there, there was a sensory corner filled with musical instruments, lights, mirrors, wooden toys, and textured balls for the children to enjoy. Also on offer for families to enjoy were festive glitter tattoos, Christmas crafts including materials to make Christmas cards and decorations, and wide range of festive snacks for all to enjoy.

The Orchard Service, provided by Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust cares for babies, children and young people living in Worcestershire with complex, life-threatening and limiting conditions.

They work closely with GPs, children’s hospital wards, paediatricians, health visitors and school health nurses to prevent unnecessary admission to hospital and promote early discharge.

Laura Phillimore, Community Health Play Specialist  for Orchard Service said, “We know that having a child with a long-term, complex or life-limiting condition can sometimes make spending time as a family difficult. We hope that events such as this give families an opportunity to come together and enjoy activities, in a relaxed environment, adapted to support the needs of the children in attendance.

Through charitable donations, Orchard Service is able to host regular events such as this for children and their families. They also provide families with memory boxes for special mementos, following the death of a child.

The event wouldn't have been possible without the generous donations from BBC Inflatables Entertainment Worcestershire for the Christmas grotto, drinks, snacks and toys from Morrisons Droitwich Community Champion and food provided by Menzies Distribution.

Little girl and her baby sibling with father christmas in his grotto    Father christmas in his grotto    A child visiting father christmas in his grotto

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