
Older Adults Mental Health Hospital at Home Service in Worcestershire – Have your say!

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NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care Board (ICB) are inviting people to share their views on the move of the older people’s mental health service from the bedded Athelon Ward at Worcestershire Royal Hospital, to the Hospital at Home service, where people are cared for within their homes. The service is provided and managed by Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust.

We have outlined the changes which have taken place in our paper and summarised this in the narrated presentation (available shortly). We recommend that you read, watch or listen to this information, before sharing your views. If you would like this information in another language or format please contact or call 0330 053 4356 and ask for the engagement team.

How to have your say and share your views:

  1. Survey - After considering the paper and/or slides please do tell us your views by using the survey link.

  2. Email - If you would like to email us, please do on  
  3. If you would like this information in another language or format please contact or call 0330 053 4356 and ask for the engagement team.
  4. Telephone – You can call 0330 053 4356 and ask for the engagement team.


Please complete the survey and/or share your views by 9am, Wednesday 7 December 2022.

More information

For more information, please visit the dedicated webpage.

All responses will be anonymous unless you choose to give your details in Question 5 (in the survey). NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care Board (ICB) will store the answers that you give and may use some of your anonymised quotes. We will publish the anonymous findings to our website and will also share with our partners. Personal identifying information will not appear in any publications resulting from this survey. Your answers will be used to improve mental health services.

Engagement Team - NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire


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