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New wheelchair accessible equipment for children's respite unit
A new wheelchair-accessible children’s roundabout has been unveiled at a unit supporting children and young people who have physical and/or learning disabilities.
The recently refurbished Osborne Court in Malvern, run by the Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust, is a respite unit to support children aged 2-18 with complex needs, which can include learning and/or physical disabilities, as well as other health care needs.
Osborne Court delivers respite care across two units, enabling carers and other family members to take a short break from their primary care role.
Amanda Ewer, Unit Manager at Osborne Court said: “The accessible roundabout is a great addition to the garden play equipment. There is already various play equipment in place, such as swings and slides, but the roundabout will mean that those children in wheelchairs will be able to play alongside children that are mobile.”
The new roundabout will allow both wheelchair users, and able-bodied children across Osborne Court’s two units to access the park facilities, and play together, without the need for separate equipment. It was funded by the Trust’s Charitable Funds scheme.
Amanda adds: “Since being installed a number of the children have tried it out and all have had a great time using it.”
Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust provides mental health and learning disability services across both counties. It also runs community hospitals, nursing and therapy and other children’s services across Worcestershire.