
Emotional wellbeing support for children and young people across Herefordshire and Worcestershire

Teenager using their phone

Children’s NHS services are reminding children, young people and parents/carers of the range of emotional wellbeing support available across both counties.

September’s back to school season is an exciting time for many children, however adjusting to life after the summer holidays may prove more challenging for some.

Kerry Beaumont, Clinical Service Manager for Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) in Worcestershire said: “It is completely natural for children and young people to experience a mixture of emotions when going back to school and feelings like worry or anxiety may be heightened this year as we start to reconnect with people and adjust to new routines.”

  • Available in both counties, Kooth enables young people to access safe, free and anonymous online advice to support their emotional wellbeing and mental health. Visit
  • In Worcestershire, Reach4Wellbeing’s online group courses help with emotional wellbeing for children and young people aged 5-18 and parents of primary school age children. Reach4Wellbeing is part of children’s mental health services (CAMHS).  You can self-refer online:
  • ChatHealth, a secure and confidential texting service that enables young people in Worcestershire to speak directly to a school health nurse is available to those aged 11-19 years. Text 0750 7331750 for confidential advice on issues like bullying, emotional health, relationship problems, alcohol, and drugs.
  • In both counties, anyone aged 16+ can contact Healthy Minds for mental health help. The service offers support to people who feel low, anxious, worried, or depressed. Online therapy to do at your own pace is available, as well as self-referral into group therapy, or more traditional 1:1 support. Find out more:
  • BESTIE is an app designed to help young people in Worcestershire access reliable, safe and bespoke emotional wellbeing and mental health support online. Search BESTIE through your mobile app store or visit:
  • Anyone needing urgent mental health help can call our 24/7 mental health helpline on 0808 196 9127. The service is open to people of all ages – including children and young people.  When calling the number, you can expect to speak to mental health advisors and/or trained mental health clinicians who will be able to listen to your concerns and help make appropriate plans with you to support you.

Elaine Cook-Tippins, Clinical Service Manager for Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) in Herefordshire said: “We encourage families to share this information with their children who may be struggling or finding it difficult to cope with these feelings. Across Herefordshire and Worcestershire there is a mix of online support and more direct interventions which can support a child or young person before things become to serious. There is a real focus on getting children, young people and their families help, advice and support early and so it is really important that local people are aware of local services and the different ways to access them.”

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