
Coronavirus Update

NHS visiting restrictions remain in place across Herefordshire and Worcestershire

NHS visiting restrictions remain in place across Herefordshire and Worcestershire
Visiting will continue to be restricted in hospitals and healthcare settings across Herefordshire and Worcestershire, at least for the next 2 weeks.

Restrictions to visiting were introduced at the end of March in response to the Covid-19 outbreak to help protect patients and staff and to minimise the spread of infection. Although local cases remain low, healthcare leaders from across both counties have decided to stick with the current restrictions, which will be reviewed again in a couple of weeks.
This means visiting at Hereford County Hospital, Worcestershire Royal Hospital, The Alexandra Hospital, Kidderminster Hospital and Treatment Centre, and the Community Hospitals and mental health units across both counties remain closed to visitors.

While the restrictions have been in place, hospitals across Herefordshire and Worcestershire have rolled out virtual visiting where families have been able to keep in touch with loved ones in hospital via video.

Dr Ian Tait, Chair of NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire CCG said: “Whilst we understand the valuable role visitors play in a patient’s recovery, the safety of our patients and staff is the top priority.
“Even though local case numbers are low we are taking a cautious approach and visiting remains restricted, therefore please continue to make use of the great technology available to voice and video call your loved ones to stay in touch”

Exceptions to the restrictions also remain unchanged and include:
• Families wishing to visit relatives receiving end of life care
• For maternity patients – a visit by a birthing partner only (birthing partners can be present during the birth)
• For paediatric patients – a visit by one parent only where possible
• We are also asking patients who are coming in for an appointment not to bring anyone else in to the hospital if at all possible

In addition, from Monday 15th June anyone attending a local healthcare setting, for example A&E, a Minor Injury Unit or for an outpatient appointment, will also be required to wear a face mask/covering before entering buildings. Posters and notices will be on display on entrances informing people to wear their mask or covering.

Visitors to Hereford County Hospital will have a mask provided, while those attending appointments in Worcestershire hospitals will be asked to bring their own covering, with masks provided where this isn’t possible.


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