
Celebrate Learning Disability Week in Herefordshire

A picture of the exterior of the Aspire Hub

Celebrations are set to take place across Herefordshire next week as part of Learning Disability Week 2022.

Led by Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust, the main providers of mental health and learning disability services in the county, the week will be marked with a series of themed days from the services supporting people with a learning disability.

Created by the charity Mencap, Learning Disability Week is an annual event that aims to educate and raise awareness of learning disabilities, fight against stigma and discrimination, and share what it’s like to have a learning disability.

Locally, it will see representatives from health, social and public sector organisations come together for a jampacked week of exciting workshops, presentations and activities aimed at people with a learning disability, their families and professionals.

“We’re really excited and proud to be working with our partners to offer such a comprehensive week of events to mark Learning Disability Week 2022” explains Colleen Brady, Community Learning Disability Nurse for Herefordshire Community Learning Disability Service.

“It’s really important that people know about the wide range of services we have locally to support them and their families, and how they can access help if its needed.

“We’re also delighted to have the opportunity to celebrate and enjoy these events in person again”.

The start of the week will focus on health and safety, with engaging workshops from the NHS, Police and Hereford & Worcester Fire and Rescue Service, with the aim of raising awareness of emergency services and the ways they keep us safe. Alongside a free dancing and movement session hosted by Wiggle It, there will be a chance to tour a fire engine and take part in seated yoga, dance, boccia, archery and crafts .

Herefordshire Mencap will also be in attendance, promoting 'Safe Spaces' and ways to stay safe in the community.

Events will culminate on Friday, with a drama showcase and performance from Yam Jams, followed by a dance session and disco at the Aspire Hub in Hereford.

Ian Harper, Service Quality Director for Aspire Living:  “Aspire Living are pleased to be able to support the Community Learning Disability Team by holding events at our Community Hub on Canal Road.

“Learning Disability Week is a great opportunity showcase the amazing work that goes on to support people across Herefordshire”.

The events are free and open to everyone. There is no requirement to register in advance.

Visit the Learning Disability Week 2022 web page for the full schedule of events including dates, times and locations.

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