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Eating and Drinking
Mealtime Matters - Resources
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Mealtime Matters - Training
Dysphagia Training for services supporting adults with a Learning Disability
In line with the: “Eating, Drinking, Swallowing Competency Framework” (EDSCF)
Who can access our training?
- Family carers
- Paid support workers
- Professionals
What is our training offer?
We have provided training via our website. You can access the training below.
We will support Level 3 Dysphagia Champions through quarterly online webinars and Q&A sessions.
For further resources, please see above. You can also connect with us on Facebook.
For a management-appointed “Dysphagia Champion”
- Ensures all support workers in a provision have up to date and relevant training
- Attendance at quarterly online support sessions with SLT
- Dysphagia Training Audit Pack
- Ethical and Legal Considerations Training Presentation
- The normal swallow and what can go wrong workbook answers
For support workers, carers and family
- Training can be completed in your own time and renewed annually.
- Evidencing and keeping record of completion of e-learning.
Learning Resources:
- The normal swallow and what can go wrong video
- The normal swallow and what can go wrong workbook
- Following eating and drinking guidelines
- Oral Health
- Thickening drinks – Contact Gail Summers for online webinar
- Ethical and legal considerations - for Level Threes to facilitate in group or individual settings
For everyone