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Freedom of Information - HWHCT-344
Our ref: HWHCT-344
26 January 2023
FOI request:
Please can you answer the following 3 questions:
1. From September 2022 to November 2022, please list the wards/departments you have requested shifts for off framework agencies in your Adult Nursing, Mental Health, Community Hospitals?
2. Please provide a list of off-framework agencies used by the trust in the past 6 months.
3. Please provide a breakdown of the number of shifts covered by each off-framework agency and their average hourly charge rate for the following disciplines:
Registered General Nurses (Adult & Paediatric),
Registered Mental Health Nurses and Healthcare Assistants.
Trust response:
1. Community Hospital Inpatient Wards, Minor Injury Units, Mental Health Inpatient Wards and Home Treatment/Crisis/MH Liaison Teams
2. 6 months. - Thornbury
3. Registered General Nurses (Adult & Paediatric), 610 Shifts - average hourly rate £78.24
Registered Mental Health Nurses and Healthcare Assistants. 1234 Shifts – average hourly rate £69.95
Please be aware that although this information is accurate at the time it is provided, it may not be in the future and should not be relied upon.