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Research Conferences
2025 Research & Development Conference: dates announced
We're excited to share the dates of our 2025 virtual Research and Development Conference: Tuesday 14 October and Wednesday 15 October.
We are still in the planning stages but updates, the final agenda and where/how to book your tickets will be shared here. Please note tickets will not be available to book until July 2025.
In the meantime please make a note of the dates and we hope to see you there.
2024 Research & Development Conference, 14-18.10.24
We had a fantastic week hosting our 4th annual Research and Development conference which was facilitated by Sam Topping (Operational Lead for Research and Development, here at HWHCT).
As in previous years the aim of this conference was to showcase some of the fantastic work that's happening in the research world (Monday 14 — Wednesday 16 October) as well as giving staff and local partners from Herefordshire and Worcestershire a platform to showcase their work (Thursday 17 October), and the Launch of the Memorandum of Understanding between our Trust and University of Worcester (Friday 18 October).
HUGE thanks to our brilliant speakers who gave their time to join and inspire us. We couldn't have done it without you. Over 440 free virtual tickets were requested across the week so thank you to those who joined us. Recordings of the event will be uploaded in November so if you couldn't make it please take a listen.
Sam Topping (Operational Lead for Research and Development)
Recordings of the conference are now available below along with presentation slides that we're able to share.
Monday 14 Oct: Strengthening & Conditioning and MSK Focus inc session on behavioural change (10.30am — 1.15pm)
Prof Peter Langdon: Conference welcome and opener
Recording available here:
Peter is Peter is Professor of Clinical Psychology, University of Birmingham and Honorary Associate Director of Research at HWHCT.
Dr Claire Minshull: 'The Relative Importance of Restoring Qualities of Strength and Power For Older Populations.'
Recording available here:
Outstanding question and answer from the event:
Q: Does she have any recommended functional tests for UL. To match STS of vertical jump for LL?
A: Depends on what you're specifically trying to measure. A constrained (seated) projectile throw (single arm / 2 arms) with med ball of approx 10% of body mass might be appropriate? Lots of descriptions of this test. This link might be useful.
Dr Claire has over 25 years of experience working in academia, the NHS and in leading research roles. She has designed, led and managed major clinical and non-clinical research trials, supervised PhD students and developed undergraduate and postgraduate courses in exercise and rehabilitation science. Claire has a well-established publication profile in the field of rehabilitation and is Visiting Professor at Leeds Beckett University School of Health.
Claire’s area of expertise means that she uniquely spans the gap between the physiology of conditioning and physiotherapeutic rehabilitation and she founded Get Back To Sport to enable the transference of research findings into enhancing practice. Get Back To Sport has an international teaching profile and a respect and credibility with clinicians and commissioners. Claire also co-founded Joint Approach as a means to deliver, direct to patient, a scalable and much improved multidisciplinary rehabilitation programme for those suffering with osteoarthritic knee pain.
Prof Danielle van der Windt: 'Development and evaluation of a person-centred intervention for patients with shoulder pain: the PANDA-S programme.'
Slides from this presentation are available here: PANDA-S October 2024 (DvdW).pptx [pptx] 11MB
Recording available here:
Serena Simmons: 'How patient psychology and behaviour change can transform your practice.'
Recording available here:
Serena has over 30 years of experience working in the field of psychology, is a Chartered Psychologist and Member of the British Psychological Society and the Special Group in Coaching Psychology. She has also been a Senior Psychology lecturer at Nottingham Trent University (UK), for the last 18 years and has engaged in private practice in psychological consultancy and private teaching for over 12 years. She now runs her own successful Positive Psychology Consultancy, The Psychology School (, which specialises in Behaviour Change & Peak Performance which she teaches predominantly in Healthcare settings all over the world.
Serena is also well known for her work in the area of Forensic Psychology, namely Serial Murder. Having worked previously for HM Prison Service and Rampton Hospital in a practice position, Serena brings with her a deep understanding of what it takes to truly address Behavioural Change and Peak Performance in all aspects of Life. Featured heavily in the media for her work and in particular profiling, you can also find Serena’s work in the likes of all major newspapers, radio and more recently in specialist documentaries screened on Apple TV, Amazon, SKY, Virgin and UK based terrestrial channels.
Tuesday 15 Oct: Psychiatry - Psychosis focus (10.30am — 1.15pm)
Recording for the whole of this session is available here:
Prof Matthew Broome: ‘From Delusions to Early Intervention, Bullying, and Youth Mental Health’
Slides from the presentation are available here: Broome_Oct_24_Hereford.pdf [pdf] 7MB
Matthew studied as an undergraduate at the University of Birmingham, where he graduated with degrees in Neuropharmacology and in Medicine. After working as a junior doctor in the University Hospitals in Birmingham, he moved to the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust to undertake training in postgraduate psychiatry at the Maudsley Hospital, Bethlem Royal Hospital, and the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery. After attaining his MRCPsych, Matthew was clinical research fellow and subsequently Lecturer at the Institute of Psychiatry, where he undertook his first PhD. During this time, he helped the development of novel Early Intervention in Psychosis services in South London, and specifically the OASIS service for those who may be in the prodromal phase of illness.
In 2006, Matthew was appointed as Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Warwick and, in 2013, Senior Clinical Research Fellow in Psychiatry at the University of Oxford. He remains affiliated to St Hilda’s College and is a Distinguished Research Fellow in the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics, University of Oxford. In 2017, he returned to the University of Birmingham to take up his current post. In parallel to his University role, Matthew is Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist to the East Birmingham Early Intervention in Psychosis service, part of Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, and is NIHR CRN West Midlands Clinical Research Lead.
Prof Joanna Moncrieff: 'The RADAR trial: results and reflection'
Slides from the presentation are available here: Tuesday 15 October Joanna Moncrieff.pptx [pptx] 13MB
Joanna is a psychiatrist and academic. She is Professor of Critical and Social Psychiatry at University College London and a leading figure in the Critical Psychiatry Network. She is CI on the RADAR study which her talk will cover.
Dr Jodie Russell: 'Communicating Ineffable Experiences: a way forward with phenomenology'
Slides from the presentation are available here: The Language of Mental Disorder Jodie Russell.pptx [pptx] 3MB
Dr Jodie Louise Russell is a research fellow in the School of Psychology at the University of Birmingham in the Epistemic Injustice in Healthcare (EPIC) project. She researches cases of epistemic injustice among young people with psychosis and is interested in applying intersectional, feminist approaches and phenomenology to better understand experiences of mental disorder. Previously, she was a Teaching Fellow and PhD candidate at the University of Edinburgh and worked on applying topics in philosophy of mind to philosophy of psychiatry by, namely, drawing out implications from models of mind for our understanding of mental disorder.
Wednesday 16 Oct: Dementia focus (10.30am — 1.15pm)
Recording for the whole session is available here:
Dr Emma Wolverson: 'Inpatient Mental Health Wards for People with Dementia- can we create an evidence base?'
Slides from the presentation are available here: Mental Health Wards for People with Dementia- EW Oct 24.pptx [pptx] 3MB
Emma is Clinical Psychologist & Professor in Ageing and Dementia at the University of West London. Emma is Research Lead for Dementia UK and has worked with people with dementia and their families within the NHS since first qualifying as a psychologist in 2008.
Jessica Roebuck , Stakeholder Engagement Manager, RDN Coordinating Centre (RDNCC), NIHR Research Delivery Network (RDN).
Slides from the presentation are available here: Join Dementia Research Jessica M (3).pptx [pptx] 4MB
Adam Smith: 'Bridging Generations: Inviting Older Adults with Dementia to Research.' Sadly Adam was unable to join us. Thank you to Jessica for stepping in at the last minute. Adam is Programme Director for ‘Dementia Researcher’ a worldwide early career dementia researcher support service run by University College London. Having previously worked within the NHS and at the Department of Health and Social Care, for the last 13 years he has exclusively worked on improving the lives of people living with dementia, undertaking research, and leading initiatives such as Join Dementia Research and Enabling Research in Care Homes. Now his time is focussed on trying to attract more people to the research field, and improving collaborations and support to ensure researchers are retained on this important topic.
Prof Vanessa Raymont: 'How biomarkers are changing dementia research and treatment'
Slides from the presentation are available here: HWHCT R&D conference talk_161024.Prof Vanessa Raymont pptx.pptx [pptx] 31MB
Vanessa is: an Associate Professor and Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist, Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford; R&D Director, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust; Associate Director, Dementias Platform UK; Joint Deputy Chair, NIHR Dementia Translational Research Collaboration; NIHR Clinical Research Network Dementia Lead, Thames Valley and South Midlands; Honorary Senior Clinical Research Fellow, Centre for Dementia Prevention, University of Edinburgh.
Thursday 17 Oct: What’s happening in Herefordshire and Worcestershire? (10.30am — 1pm)
Dr Natasha Lord: 'Implementing a Digital Life Stories Project on an inpatient dementia ward: Initial findings and reflections'
Slides from the presentation are available here: Worcester life stories presentation October 2024 final.pptx [pptx] 3MB
Recording available here:
Natasha is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Psychology Lead for Older Adults at Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust; Chair of the Faculty of Psychology of Older People (FPOP); Chair of the Accreditation Committee – Quality Network Older Adult Mental Health Inpatient Services.
Saff Davies: 'Exploring links between hearing loss and Dementia in adults with Down Syndrome'
View the recording here:
Community Learning Disability Nurse, South Worcestershire Community Learning Disability Team, HWHCT
Community Research Engagement Projects:
- REACH* Worcestershire: 'Using community co-production to develop a framework for research engagement.'
Slides from the presentation are available here: Branwen and Sarah Presentation.pptx [pptx] 4MB
Recording available here:
- CLeaR* Herefordshire: 'What we heard from communities in Herefordshire about Research.'
Slides from the presentation are available here: 131024 CLeaR Project Herefordshire Presentation.pptx [pptx] 7MB
Recording available here:
*REACH: Research Engagement and Community Health *CLeaR: Community Led Engagement and Research
Worcestershire speakers: Branwen Bingle, PhD, is the Community Research Training Lead for Worcestershire VCSE Alliance. A qualified teacher with a PhD, an MA Ed in Applied Linguistics and a PG Diploma in Voluntary Sector Management, Branwen has over 20 years’ experience of partnership development, social science research and course design in a range of settings. Branwen is also a Communities Officer for Wychavon District Council, where she supports VCSE organisations and the development of community assets.
Sarah Wilkinson is the Community Research Engagement Lead for Worcestershire VCSE Alliance. She has a MSc in European Policy having spent several years working in international institutions before returning in the UK. Sarah also has a background in secondary teaching and experience working with disadvantaged communities and people with a learning disability.
Friday 18 Oct: Launch of the Memorandum of Understanding between our Trust and University of Worcester (10.30am — 1pm)
View the recording here:
Hear from speakers from the University of Worcester and Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust discussing what this agreement means to them and the type of work and opportunities that we can expect to see moving forwards.
We will then hear from:
Dr Kath Gordon-Smith: 'The Bipolar Disorder Research Network (BDRN) sample and True Colours online mood monitoring.'
Outstanding question and answer from the event:
Q: Pregnancy. Study how easy to get into treatment mother and baby units near home etc'
A: We haven’t looked at this as part of our research which has a focus on the aetiology of mood disorders, but the charity Action on Postpartum Psychosis have been campaigning for a number of years for more Mother and Baby units and have carried out research comparing the different types of care for postpartum psychosis in the UK Campaign for Mother and Baby Units (MBUs) | Action on Postpartum Psychosis ; Research updates and publications | Action on Postpartum Psychosis
Katherine joined the University of Worcester in October 2015 previously working as Postdoctoral Researcher within the Institute of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences at Cardiff University and then as a Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham.
The broad aims of her research are to investigate genetic and other factors that may contribute to the aetiology of bipolar disorder and other related mood and psychotic illnesses, such as schizoaffective disorder and postpartum psychosis.
She was one of the co-founders of the Bipolar Disorder Research Network (BDRN), a group of researchers, clinicians and research participants in the UK involved in investigating the underlying causes of bipolar disorder. More than 7500 participants have been recruited to BDRN, which is one the largest sample of individuals with bipolar disorder in the world. Katherine works closely with BDRN research champions, research participants with lived experience of bipolar disorder, who have provided expert advice and input into the BDRN research programme and True Colours.
Katherine is also Deputy Chair of the Health and Science Research Ethics Panel.
Dr Catharine Rose: ‘You weren’t who I expected to meet’: Researchers within Communities.'
Dr Catharine Rose is a Research Fellow who joined the University of Worcester in 2023. She is currently working with a team, led by Prof. Eleanor Bradley, engaged in the evaluation of a series of innovative health-related programmes run by local stakeholders. These include two preventative health outreach services commissioned by Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care Board targeting underserved local communities. She is also working on an evaluation of a programme developed by Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust to empower clinical teams to initiate change.
Catharine is a BPS Chartered Psychologist and was awarded her PhD in health psychology research from the University of Birmingham in 2022. Her research interests are focused on community health and development. Prior to joining the University of Worcester, Catharine ran a research and evaluation consultancy for over a decade, providing services to local and national clients in the public and VCSE sectors.
Thomas Morton: 'Crossing the Line: Providing personal care in the context of families affected by dementia.'
A: It's a tricky one - there are both types of group, groups dedicated specifically to dementia and groups that are mixed e.g. for older people at risk of social isolation, that are likely to include people with dementia but aren't exclusively for them.
Thomas joined the Association for Dementia studies (ADS) in December 2018. He is a Research Associate, working on projects that investigate how community-based interventions for people affected by dementia, such as groups and activities, can be helped to sustain long-term. He specialises in realist research, an approach that seeks to trace cause and effect in complex human systems, using both qualitative and quantitative data.
Thomas has a background in teaching and journalism, having worked as both an A level teacher and a newspaper journalist prior to returning to the field of psychology and developing a passion for research. He has previously worked on research into the experiences and uses of online mood monitoring of those with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder, with the University of Worcester's Mood Disorders Research Group. He has also conducted original research into perceptions of the role of control in workplace stress as part of his Psychology MSc.
There was an opportunity to ask questions along with a round table discussion.
HWHCT assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies in materials circulated and/or content presented by speakers during this conference.
2023 EBP Conference — 16-20 October 2023
National conference hosted by us: 2023 Evidence Based Practise (EBP) conference - Leaders in their field and inspirational research careers.
We had a fantastic week hosting our 3rd FREE virtual EBP conference which this year went national! HUGE thanks to the fantastic host of speakers who engaged and inspired delegates and to everyone who attended. Over 650 tickets were allocated across the week and delegate feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.
Please see the agenda below INCLUDING links to recordings and (where possible) presentation slides:
Day 1 - 16.10.23: Social & Community Psychiatry; Peri-natal mental health; Addiction; Psychosis and cognitive neuroscience
- Conference opener: Prof Peter Langdon — Professor in Neurodevelopmental Disorders of Psychology, University of Warwick; Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Honorary Associate Director of Research at HWHCT. Recording:
- 'Youth mental health: how did we get here?' - Prof Swaran Singh - Professor of Social and Community Psychiatry, University of Warwick. Recording:
- 'Reaching family members affected by substance use: a digital intervention' - Dr Jan Larkin - Consultant Clinical Psychologist; Head of Psychology at Turning Point. Recording: Presentation slides: Jan Larkin_Supporting Family Members.pptx [pptx] 4MB
- 'Maternal and infant mental health, research into clinical practice' - Claire Marshall - Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Nurse and Clinical Lead with the Perinatal Mental Health Liaison Team. Hull, East Yorks, North and NE Lincolnshire. Recording: Presentation slides: Claire Marshall pmh and imh research to practice 111023.pptx [pptx] 22MB
- 'How I became a researcher in the field of psychosis and cognitive neuroscience' - Dr Maria Dauvermam - Assistant Professor in Youth Mental Health, University of Birmingham. Recording: Presentation slides: Maria Dauvermann EBP_Conference_161023_MD.pptx [pptx] 21MB
Day 2 - 17.10.23: Psychosis; Cognitive screening and rehabilitation; Dementia
- 'What have we learned after 25 years of early intervention in psychosis?' - Prof Max Birchwood - Professor of Youth Mental Health at the University of Warwick. Recording: Presentation slides: Max Birchwood EBP conference 9 Oct 2023.pptx [pptx] 27MB
- 'Meeting Centres for people affected by dementia: you never know what's round the corner ' - Dr Shirley Evans - Director of the Association for Dementia Studies at the University of Worcester; leading expert in the UK on Meeting Centres for people affected by dementia. Recording: Presentation slides: Shirley Evans 20231008 EBP International Conference sbe.pptx [pptx] 12MB
- 'Cognitive screening and rehabilitation in MS' - Prof Rosh das Nair - Senior Research Scientist, SINTEF, Norway; Professor of Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology at The University of Nottingham. Recording: Presentation slides: Roshan das Nair HWHCT NHS Meeting Cognitive Screening and Rehabilitation 17 Oct 2023.pptx [pptx] 12MB
Day 3 - 18.10.23: Inspirational research career journeys
- 'A clinical academic career; from curious undergraduate community nurse to Professor of Palliative Care' - Prof Catherine Evans - Professor of Palliative Care, King’s College London; Cicely Saunders Institute; Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery and Palliative Care; and Honorary Nurse Consultant, Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust. Recording: Presentation slides: Catherine Evans ClinicalAcademic_Journey_CEvans_18.10.2023.pptx [pptx] 34MB
- 'Finding my path to community-based research: 51 years in the making ' - Sarah Ellison - Research and Effectiveness Lead Neighbourhood Care Group, Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Trust. Recording: Presentation slides: Sarah Ellison EBP research Presentation.pptx [pptx] 15MB
- 'From Plato to psychiatry via psychosis - looking back and looking forwards as Bipolar UK's first Director of Research' - Tania Gergel - Head of Research at Bi-Polar UK; Honorary Senior Research Fellowship in the Divisions of Psychiatry at UCL. Recording:
- 'From family carer to researcher: My journey into the dementia homecare research sphere' - Dr Monica Leverton - Research Associate - NIHR Health & Social Care Workforce Research Unit, Post-Doctoral Fellow – NIHR ARC South London & NIHR SSCR, King's College London. Recording: Presentation slides: Monica Leverton SLIDES Inspiring research careers.pptx [pptx] 26MB
Day 4: 19.10.23: Dietetics; Rehabilitation & Conditioning; Community based research; the RIVA study
- 'The pathway to becoming a clinical academic lead at Great Ormond Street Hospital' - Dr Graeme O’Connor - Clinical Academic in Paediatric Dietetics, Research Lead for Dietetics and Lead Dietitian for Paediatric Intensive Care at Great Ormond Street Hospital Foundation Trust; Honorary Research Associate - Institute of Child Health/ University College London. Recording: Presentation slides: Graeme O'Connor Top Of Your Game - Research Dietitian.pptx [pptx] 623KB
- 'Translating evidence-based practice from elite sport to patient populations; everyone is an athlete' - Prof Claire Minshull - Rehabilitation & Conditioning Specialist – founder of Recording:
- 'Excluded Citizens – Hard to Reach or not Reached out to Hard Enough?' - Prof Eleanor Bradley - Professor and Director of Research and Knowledge Exchange, University of Worcester; Dr Peter Unwin - Principal Lecturer in Social Work, Department of Social Work, University of Worcester. Recording: Presentation slides: UPDATED EB and PU HWHACT conference presentationsub3.pptx [pptx] 147KB
- 'The RIVA study: Evaluating models of health based independent domestic violence advisor provision in maternity settings' - Dr Fiona Challacombe, Clinical Lecturer, King's College London. Recording: Presentation slides: Fiona Challacombe Hereford pres 19Oct 2023_RIVA.pptx [pptx] 4MB
Day 5: 20.10.23: EBP - what's happening here at HWHCT
- 'NHS Early Rehabilitation Gym Strength Class: MSK-HQ Changes, Patient Satisfaction and Ongoing Self-Management for Mixed Ages and Musculoskeletal Conditions' - Simon Meadows - Clinical Lead Physiotherapist, HWHCT. Recording:
- ‘Neighbourhood Mental Health Team Occupational Matters Programme’ - Abigail Brown - Occupational Therapist, Hereford Neighbourhood Mental Health Service, HWHCT. Recording:
- 'Exploring links between hearing loss and Dementia in adults with Down Syndrome' - Saffron Davies - Community Learning Disability Nurse, South Worcestershire Community Learning Disability Team, HWHCT. Presentation slides: Saffron Davies Slides for EBP conference.pptx [pptx] 6MB
- 'Health Inequalities: Adult Obesity within Physiotherapy, PhD Research Overview' - Paul MacDonald - Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioner, HWHCT. Recording: Presentation slides: Paul MacDonald EBP Presentation Paul MacDonald Physio Obesity.pptx [pptx] 12MB
- 'Behavioural therapy for anxiety amongst autistic adults with moderate to severe learning disabilities' - Prof Peter Langdon - Professor in Neurodevelopmental Disorders of Psychology, University of Warwick; Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Honorary Associate Director of Research at HWHCT. Recording:
Attendence Certificates:
As mentioned at the conference certificates of attendance are available upon request for CPD files. In order to receive a certificate the conference feedback form needs to be completed including Q7 which relates specifically to attendance certificates and how to receive yours.
N.B – please note that we can ONLY send conference attendance certificates if email addresses are given at the appropriate question on this feedback form. We are unable to automatically email certificates using the email address held on Eventbrite for this event. We have received certificate requests without an email address so are unable to provide certificates. Please contact me directly if this applies to you:
EBP* Virtual Conference: 10 - 13 October 2022
Huge huge HUGE thanks to all our fantastic speakers and everyone who attended the EBP conference. We hope everyone found the sessions informative and useful.
The agenda was as per below. Recordings of each session were made and are now available. Please find the links below.
Monday 10.10.22:
Session 1: What is Research? 12noon – 1pm
12noon – 12.05pm: Welcome and housekeeping
12.05pm – 12.20pm: What is research and why does it matter? - Stuart Banham (Chief Pharmacist):
12.20pm – 12.45pm: What’s the difference between service evaluation, clinical audit and research? What’s in it for me and my patients including underserved communities – Sam Topping (Research & Development Manager):
12.45pm – 12.55pm: Where does research take place? Inc research outreach work done so far – Alice Madden (Research Project Support Officer):
12.55pm – 1pm: Final questions and close
Session 2: Who does Research? 1.30pm – 2.45pm
1.30pm – 1.35pm: Welcome and housekeeping
1.35pm – 2pm: Who’s who and who does what in the research world. Launching the research collaborator role. What is a PI (Principal Investigator)? - Sam Topping (Research & Development Manager):
2pm – 2.15pm: My experience of being a PI for the 1st time working on BEAMS-ID – Katherine Byron-Daniels (Clinical Psychologist):
2.15pm – 2.30pm: My experience of being a PI - currently on ADEPP – Barny Major (Consultant Psychiatrist, Associate Medical Director, Herefordshire Mental Health and LD services):
2.30pm – 2.40pm: My experience of being a PI for the 1st time working on EDGI – Matt Rae (Clinical Lead North & West Herefordshire Neighbourhood Mental Health Service):
2.40pm – 2.45pm: Final questions and close
Tuesday 11.10.22:
Session 3: EBP showcase within HWHCT: 12noon – 1.15pm
12noon – 12.05pm: Welcome and housekeeping
12.05pm – 12.25pm: Gaining a global perspective on Occupational Therapy Research – Alice Turnbull (Service Lead for Paediatric Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy):
12.25pm – 12.45pm: Dietetic Research Opportunities – Marti van der Linde (Community Paediatric Dietitian Worcestershire North):
12.45pm – 1.05pm - Measuring the Impact of the Kids on the Move Virtual Intervention Programme for Children and Families within the Paediatric Occupational Therapy Service – Louise Boother (Specialist Occupational Therapist in Additional Services, Innovation and SEND):
1.05pm – 1.15pm: Final questions and close
Wednesday 12.10.22:
Session 4: Developing my own Research: 12noon – 1.15pm
12noon – 12.05pm: Welcome and housekeeping
12.05pm – 12.25pm: How to get started; developing an idea; Associate Principle Investigator (PI) role – Sam Topping (Research & Development Manager):
12.25pm – 12.40pm: Associate PI for the ADEPP Study – Kieran Groom (CT3 Doctor in CAMHS):
12.40pm – 1.10pm: My research story so far… - Peter Langdon (Honorary Associate Director of Research; Consultant Clinical Psychologist and CI (Chief Investigator) leading national studies focused upon improving the lives of people with learning disabilities and/or autism):
1.10pm – 1.15pm: Final questions and close
Thursday 13.10.22:
Session 5: Putting Research findings into Practise: 12noon – 1.15pm
12noon – 12.05pm: Welcome and housekeeping
12.05pm – 12.30pm: Measuring the impact of the change from face-to-face to virtual appointments evaluation – Sam Topping (Research & Development Manager):
12.30pm – 1pm: Experience of the RADAR study - Barny Major (Consultant Psychiatrist, Associate Medical Director, Herefordshire Mental Health and LD services):
1pm – 1.15pm: Final questions and close
*EBP = Evidence Based Practise
Evidence Based Practice (EBP) Conference: 16-18 November 2021
Our inaugural research/EBP virtual conference was a huge success! We had 41 people attend at least 1 of the sessions and the feedback so far has been great. Huge HUGE thanks to everyone that attended and to our wonderful presenters without whom this event wouldn’t have taken place:
- Simon Meadows (Clinical Lead Physiotherapist)
- Simone van Dalen (Physiotherapy Team Leader)
- Clare McFadyen (OT at New Haven)
- Rosie Callaghan (Tissue Viability Lead Nurse)
- Martha van der Linde (Community Paediatric Dietitian)
- Chrissy Walker (OT Neighbourhood Team 1)
- Alice Turnbull (Service Lead for Paediatric OT and Physiotherapy)
- Emma Jesic (Specialist Paediatric OT & OT Lead for Neurodevelopment)
- Nicola Bundy (CAMHS Practitioner)
- Abigail Matthews (OT in Hereford Neighbourhood Mental Health Service)
- Dr Kerry Gaskin (Head of Department - Midwifery and CPD; Principal Lecturer in Advanced Clinical Practice,from the University of Worcester)
- Cliff Lewis (Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioner)
Your insightful presentations gave us all food for thought and really demonstrated how staff from all across HWHCT are constantly striving to improve patient care. Thank you.