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Trust Board - January 2025
We started Board with members of our Community Engagement Panel sharing their experiences of reviewing our patient information and the work we’re
doing to make sure the information we share is easy to understand. It has shown that we have lots of room to improve and over the next month we will
be putting an action plan in place.
Positive news and assurance
- Since last Board we have celebrated some truly fantastic achievements through the 2024 Staff Awards ceremony and the Senior Leadership Celebration Event.
- Improvement works have started at MIU Bromsgrove to provide better, purpose designed facilities.
- Improvement plan update – there has been significant improvement against cross referencing risks, manager support, our resolution approach, policy sign off time, mediation training, active bystander training through ICS, and integrated governance which is providing good oversight and ensuring the Board hears the right concerns.
- We have received the National staff survey results which are embargoed until March. We achieved a 9% increase in response rate compared to last year.
- We are making good progress on our Green Plan for example no landfill is used for waste and LED lighting roll out across all Trust sites is complete.
- ICT strategy - focus over the last 12 months has been primarily the implementation of the new EPR and continued rollout of ePMA and Bed Management.
- At month 8 we were delivering against the agency reduction plan although we recognise difficult months are to come with winter pressures.
Updates provided
- We are expecting a few different pieces of guidance from NHS E including:
- Planning guidance.
- New oversight framework and support arrangements.
- Management and leadership, including a code of conduct.
- The Health Services Safety Investigation Body, have flagged harm to patients who have Out Of Area (OOA) placements for mental health inpatient care. We are working on achieving zero out-of-area placements, at the point of the last assessment we were at eight.
We are waiting for the final Herefordshire system CQC and Ofsted SEND report.
Priority programmes update - Community Paediatrics will be an area of significant focus for us going forward including expected improvements in SEND. Mental health inpatient improvement and rehab redesign have developed three ideas for formal consultation and are also focused on OOA and length of stay. Care Opinion will be rolled out to all teams by April. Virtual ward developments are still waiting for a decision on funding. The People and Culture Committee now has three subcommittees including attraction and retention and equality, diversity, inclusion and equity (EDIE) which have all met.
Quality and Safety Committee is holding an extraordinary meeting to look at the audit and associated CQC “must do” actions.
We are currently on track to deliver against our financial plan however, this is dependent on assumptions which are subject to change.
A clinical policies review is underway. 82% are in date and uploaded and will be complete by end of Feb.
We have contracted additional nurse assessments for children needing ADHD assessments starting in February. We are also working on support for those waiting and talking to ICB about reducing waiting times through patient choice.
The Board are completing anti-racism training.
An update on 0-19 changes was given, new arrangements will be in place from 1st April. The new innovative model coproduced with staff covers all mandated elements of the Healthy Child programme and will be adopted in September 2025. The formal consultation starts on 30th Jan 2025 following the JNCC meeting.
A new process for managing and monitoring work to address health inequalities is in place, reporting to the Quality and Safety Committee.
EPR rollout paper was reviewed and assurance was given that this is on track for 1st April go live.
A 25/26 financial reset is being mandated nationally. We are awaiting planning guidance for further details, although we are anticipating some challenges.
Decisions made
- Board Assurance Framework was approved.
- The National Staff Survey action plans will be reviewed regularly by Board.
- The update to job descriptions and agenda for change scales for B2/B3 Healthcare Support Workers which is aligned with other NHS Trusts, and agreed with Staff Side, was approved.
Matters of concern
- Urgent and emergency care are under significant pressure nationally and locally. A big thank you was noted to colleagues working incredibly hard to keep patient care safe and effective in all areas whilst supporting patient flow. Four critical incidents have been declared locally. We have also declared enhanced escalation level, OPEL (Operational Pressures Escalation Levels) 4 for next 4 weeks. As a result, we will be taking extra measures to support patient flow.
- Evesham Community Hospital is undergoing ongoing repairs. The age and condition of hospital means this will likely to be an ongoing risk.