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Dr Giuffrida's story

Meet Dr Orazio Giuffrida — Senior Leader Master's Degree
What does/did the study involve?
This apprenticeship consisted of two main elements. A Master of Business Administration (MBA) and a Senior Leader Degree (Level 7). The MBA involved the typical University modules necessary to achieve this degree. The Senior Leader Degree required the preparation of a portfolio of projects aiming to demonstrate practical application of the competencies I have learned during my MBA.
Why did you decide to do an apprenticeship?
I decided to engage with this apprenticeship for the competencies and skills I was going to acquire upon completion. As my job was evolving I was conscious that my career progression was leading towards a management role as opposed to a clinical role. I felt it would be appropriate to develop my knowledge and understanding of leadership.
What does your job role involve?
My job changed during the course of my apprenticeship. When I initially enrolled, I was working as a Lead Consultant Psychologist for the Older People Mental Health Services in Herefordshire. That job involved a range of clinical, research, managerial and leadership responsibilities. Toward the end of my apprenticeship I was appointed, via a secondment, to the post of “Trust Lead for Psychological Professions and Interventions”. In this new role, several enhanced leadership competencies are necessary. My new post, involves the responsibility of leading the entire range of psychological professions and interventions within my organisation (approx 16 professions accounting to a workforce of about 350 people).
This has been a highly rewarding but challenging experience for me. Some of the challenges I have faced have been primarily finding a balance between my responsibilities at work, time for studying and my personal commitments . However, I am undoubtably grateful to my employer for this opportunity which has allowed me to grow within my profession and as a person.
How has your apprenticeship helped you progress in your career?
When I initially enrolled, I was not planning a career progression or obtaining an additional academic qualification. However, toward the end of my apprenticeship, the opportunity to apply for the post of “Trust Lead for Psychological Professions/Interventions” became available. I believe this training gave me the confidence to apply for this post knowing I possessed the right knowledge, skills and competencies for the job. Over a period of 3 days, this apprenticeship has prepared me to take the responsibilities associated with a senior leader role.
What do you want to do once you qualify/complete?
I’m looking forward to incorporating all of the knowledge I have gained during my apprenticeship and applying this in my day to day working practice with the aim of contributing towards the improvement in the quality of the service we deliver as well as improving the reputation of our organisation.
What do you feel are the advantages of doing an apprenticeship over other training or education?
As part of the apprenticeship, I worked on a portfolio of work related projects in which I demonstrated a wide range of competencies, e.g. finance, innovation, leadership, management, etc. The apprenticeship gave me the opportunity to apply competencies and skills that were previously taught to me in the academic training (MBA).