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Umbrella Pathway
The Umbrella Pathway is an assessment and diagnostic pathway which assesses children and young people for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Please note, we accept referrals from professionals only.
- About the service
- Information for families
- Information for professionals
- Referral forms and associated documents
- Support while you wait - Children and families in Worcestershire
- Support while waiting for an assessment
- Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
About the service
The Umbrella Pathway is an assessment and diagnostic pathway which assesses children and young people for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Autism is the name for a range of conditions that affect a person’s social interaction, communication and imagination. Autism is a lifelong developmental disability that affects how people perceive the world and interact with others. Autistic people see, hear and feel the world differently to other people. All autistic people share certain difficulties but being autistic will affect them in different ways.
The Umbrella Pathway Team includes; Community Paediatricians, Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Specialist Autism/CCN Teachers and Clinical Psychologists.
The signs of autism vary from one person to another but may include any of the following:
- Difficulties with social communication
- Difficulties with social interaction
- Restrictive and repetitive behaviours
- Repetitive activities and interests since early childhood
- Disturbance of daily functions due to the above
- Other difficulties such as sensory processing and co-ordination difficulties
- Difficulties in learning, information processing and other behaviours may be apparent
Information for families
Assessment process
- When a referral is received by the service, it is triaged by a clinician who decides if an assessment by Umbrella is appropriate. If yes, they will consider what type of assessment a child may need. If we feel a different service is better suited to support a child, we will share this with you.
- Once triaged, your child will be placed on a waiting list for an assessment.
- We will get in touch with you by telephone once an appointment is available. This is usually two weeks before the appointment. We will also send a pre-appointment questionnaire to you to complete. Please bring this with you to the appointment.
- At the appointment we will assess your child. We may need to invite you back for an additional appointment.
- Our Umbrella clinicians will discuss the assessment and make a decision on whether your child meets the criteria for a diagnosis of Autism.
- We will notify you of the outcome of our assessment, and provide you with a copy of the diagnostic report.
Further information on the assessment process is available in our digital leaflet.
Appointments and waiting times
Unfortunately, our waiting lists are currently longer than we would like. This is due to the number of referrals we have received exceeding our current capacity. Regrettably, it is not possible to say when an appointment will become available. We are sorry for this uncertainty and wish to offer you our assurance that we are doing all we can, with the resources available to address this. We are working with our Integrated Care Board (ICB) partners to reduce the waiting times. The service is also reviewing processes to identify opportunities to improve efficiency without compromising on the quality of assessment we endeavor to achieve.
Information for professionals
Service referral criteria are in place to ensure that this service works with the child/young people and their families who need and will benefit from further highly specialist assessment.
The school-age service accepts referrals for children/young people from the term they are commencing school up to 17 and half years, and who have a Worcestershire GP. Written consent from parents/carers (or young people aged 16 and over) must be obtained and provided with the referral documents.
Please note: There is a different referral process for pre-school aged referrals as these come via a Speech and Language Therapist or Community Paediatrician.
Referral criteria
For a referral to be considered, evidence will be required of significant difficulties, impacting the child/young person’s daily life, across the four areas of their development associated with ASD:
- Social emotional reciprocity
- Non-verbal communicative behaviours
- Developing and maintaining relationships
- Restricted patterns of behaviour
In addition to identifying these difficulties, there must be evidence of interventions previously tried to meet the child or young person’s needs. This is known as the Graduated Response. More information about this can be found in the Worcestershire Local Offer and Graduated Response.
Completing the referral form (professionals)
The referral form requires very detailed information and is best completed in partnership with the child/young person’s parents, school/educational setting, or professionals working closely with the child overtime on a regular basis.
- Referrals from Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Paediatricians and CAMHS should be accompanied by a report and information relating to the key areas detailed above.
- Referrals from Family Support Workers should be accompanied by details of involvement and concerns that relate to the key areas detailed above.
The information sent to us will be considered by our multi-disciplinary team usually weekly. Further information or clarification may be requested at that stage. When the information has been considered we will inform parents, referrers and professionals involved of our recommendations.
A re-referral of children previously assessed by the service cannot be accepted within an 18 month period and there will need to be evidence of significant changes in the child’s presentation since the previous assessment was carried out before a re-referral can be accepted.
We require a wide range of detailed information to decide if this is the most appropriate service for a child or young person. The information provided forms part of the child/young person’s assessment if they are accepted onto the pathway.
The Umbrella Referral consists of the following 4 parts and all of these need to be completed in full before the referral can be considered:
- Umbrella Pathway referral form
- Age appropriate consent form
- Questionnaire completed by parent
- Questionnaire completed by Educational setting (as long as the child/young person is attending one)
Guidance for referrers
The referral must include evidence that an Early Help or graduated approach response has been considered and implemented over time in relation to the presenting difficulties and the needs of the child, rather than an assumption that ASD is the cause.
- Referrals from school, school nurse, or GP should demonstrate:
- a graduated approach response from school with evidence of ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review’ cycles. This must be in place and evidenced over a minimum of 6 months or 2 terms for all school aged children. Insert link for graduated response form.
- a supporting report from a professional such as the Complex Communication Needs (CCN) team, Educational Psychology (EP), Speech and Language Therapy (SALT), or Occupational Therapy Team (OT) that focuses on key areas as detailed above.
School referrals should be completed and signed by the school ASD Lead or SENCo. If parents feel that they need support to complete their forms we advise them to seek support from school. If no problems are being seen in school we will still require the school view.
- Referrals from Paediatricians and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) should be accompanied by a neurodevelopmental history that makes reference to the key areas above
- Referrals from Speech and Language Therapists and Occupational Therapists should be accompanied by a report and information relating to all of the key areas detailed above.
- Referrals from Family Support Workers should be accompanied by details of involvement and concerns that relate to the key areas detailed above.
Parents/carers and professionals need to work in partnership to complete the referral form so that we understand how the child/young person presents at home and at school.
Referral forms and associated documents
The below Word documents must be completed as part of the assessment process:
- Umbrella Pathway Referral Form - Part 1
- Umbrella Pathway Consent Form - Part 2 (under 16 years) OR Umbrella Pathway Consent Form - Part 2 (16 years+)
- Umbrella Pathway - Part 3 (Parent Questionnaire)
- Umbrella Pathway - Part 4 (School Questionnaire)
If you require these documents in an alternative format, please contact our Patient Advice and Liaison team.
Support while you wait - Children and families in Worcestershire
Support is available to children and young people, as well as their families, who find themselves experiencing long waits for appointments with health services in Worcestershire.
We understand that the length of time waiting for services can be worrying and frustrating. As a system we are working to improve waiting times for children, young people and their families.
Visit the Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care System (ICS) website to access support.
Support while waiting for an assessment
Anxiety and mental health
- Lumi Nova is a personalised digital therapeutic game for childhood anxiety, co-designed with children, parents, NHS clinicians and experts in mental health, human-centred design and ethical gaming technology. It empowers young people aged 7 to 12 years to overcome mental health challenges and create life-long skills using immersive experiences that are self-guided, interactive and fun. Sign up for free here.
ChatHealth is a confidential messaging service that enables young people aged 11-18 in Worcestershire to contact a school health nurse. This might include topics such as bullying, emotional health, and relationship advice.
- The Starting Well Partnership offers a workshop around supporting your child with additional needs: Understanding your child/teen with additional needs | Starting Well ( You can also request support by completing this form: Parenting support request form | Starting Well
- Challenging Behaviour Foundation
- Brain In Hand
Food and picky eating
- If your child is a very selective or picky eater you may find some useful information from the series of 4 Dietetics workshop videos produced by our Trust.
- Worcestershire County Council's neurodivergence zone offers information, material, local signposting support, and advice specific to neurodivergence including Autism and ADHD.
Parent advice
- Parent Talk - Support for Parents from Action For Children
- Family Lives – A national family support charity providing help and support in all aspects of family life. Confidential Helpline service: 0808 800 2222.
- Special Educational Needs Disability Information, Advice and Support (SENDIASS) service for information about any education-related issues. They have a team of advisors offering confidential legally based and easily accessible information and advice about special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in the school environment. Telephone: 01905 768153, email
- IPSEA - the Independent Panel for Special Education Advice is a registered charity providing advice on the Local Education Authority’s legal duties towards children with special educational needs. The Advice Line telephone number is 0800 018 4016 or 01394 382814.
- More information on the support and services families can expect across education health and social care in Worcestershire is available on the SEND Local Offer website. Talk to your SENCo about your school's offer with the Complex Communication Needs (CCN) team. More information at Autism and Complex Communication Needs | Worcestershire County Council
Sensory processing
- Worcestershire Children’s Occupational Therapy, website includes useful information leaflets about different areas of everyday life such as sleep, getting dressed, school skills and helping an anxious child. They also have a catalogue of videos produced by our Occupational Therapy team on their YouTube channel including about getting school ready, sensory processing, calming strategies and helping your child around tasks such as hair washing and nail cutting.
- Telephone advice line: To speak to a Paediatric Occupational Therapist please call 07562 436633 on either Wednesday between 9am-12pm or Thursday between 1pm and 4pm.
- Cerebra is a charity offering support and advice for families struggling with children with sleep difficulties. There are worksheets to view, and you can refer yourself for further support.
- The Sleep Charity have resources on their website around sleep for all ages. For 13+ they also have their “teen sleep hub”.
Related difficulties
- Dyspraxia Foundation for support around Motor coordination, planning and organisation difficulties.
- PDA Society for tips and advice for children displaying difficulties with demand avoidance.
- ADHD Foundation for advice and support for children with Attention and concentration difficulties / ADHD.
Frequently asked questions
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
All children should have access to the right services, at the right time, to make sure they can reach their full potential. We work together with other agencies to ensure that the right professionals are involved at the right time to meet the needs of you and your child. Find out more about how we support children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)