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Palliative Care Services (Bromsgrove, Redditch and Wyre Forest)

  • The community specialist palliative care teams work closely with other health care professionals such as General Practitioners, District Nurses, hospital teams and hospices. Our aim is to offer advice in the management of complex symptoms and offer emotional support to the patient and their family.

  • Service Contact:
  • Address: Princess of Wales Community Hospital,  Stourbridge Road,  Bromsgrove, B61 0BB
  • Reception phone number: 01527 488064

About the service

What is Palliative Care?

Palliative care is the active holistic care of patients with advanced progressive illness. Management of pain and other symptoms and provision of psychological, social and spiritual support is paramount. The goal of palliative care is the achievement of the best quality of life for patients and their families. Many aspects of palliative care are also applicable earlier in the course of the illness in conjunction with other treatments. All health care professionals have a role in providing palliative care. 

What is Specialist Palliative Care?

Specialist palliative care is delivered by teams who are trained to work exclusively within the remit of palliative care, to support people who need an additional level of expertise. Our team purpose is to help patients, families and health care professionals address unresolved issues associated with life limiting illness at the time when this is needed. Which may include:

  • Planning for the future
  • Best use of medicines
  • Maximising wellbeing
  • Optimising day to day life
  • Challenge, empower and educate other HCP’s to do the same
  • Refer to others where appropriate

Our team

Here in North Worcestershire the team comprises of:

Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNSs): Your main contact with the team will be with one of the CNS’s. The specialist nursing team works seven days a week, 365 days a year between 8am and 4pm. If you need advice outside of these hours, please contact your own GP out-of-hours service or the District Nursing Team on 0300 123 7593.

Specialist Doctors: Both palliative care teams are supported by Consultants in Palliative Medicine.

Clinical Psychologist (Wyre Forest): For patients living in the Wyre Forest area there is a Clinical Psychologist who works within the team, who is available to support patients with highly complex psychological needs.


A referral to the team is made through a health care professional this may be a District Nurse, a GP or someone from Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust where your care is being delivered.

If you are a professional who wishes to refer to us, please complete the North Worcestershire (Bromsgrove, Redditch and Wyre Forest) referral form.

Leaflets and videos

Do you have a communication or information support need? If so please contact our Communications Team or the service providing your treatment so those needs can be recorded and responded to.