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Our Quality and Safety Standards
At Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust, the quality and safety of your care are our highest priorities. There are national and local standards, policies and procedures to ensure you have the best possible outcomes and experience.
We adhere to the NHS Constitution for our standards and waiting times. We are inspected and regulated by national organisations who ensure we provide services to expected levels and meet our commitments within the National Health Service. We also take very seriously the feedback we get from patients and visitors and respond to concerns when they arise.
Overseas Visitors from EEA, EU & non EEA/EU Countries
The NHS is a residency-based system. As a result, the NHS is not free to use for everyone.
If you believe these regulations may apply to you, or you are unsure whether they do, please notify a member of staff or contact the Overseas Visitors Team at for further advice.
Telephone number: 01905 681507/ 681707
Service hours: 8.30am to 5.00pm
Location: 2 Kings Court, Kings Court Business Park, Charles Hastings Way, Worcester, WR5 1JR
Team members: Robert Bell, Kelly Attwood
Visitors from Inside the European Economic Area
If you are a visitor from inside the European Economic Area (EEA) you will be asked to show your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or proof of travel insurance.
You will be expected to have obtained your EHIC from your country of residence prior to entering the UK
If you are entitled to one, but haven't brought it with you, you will need to obtain a Provisional Replacement Certificate. For help with this please contact us via the details above.
To find out how to apply for a EHIC card from your country of residence, please go to
An EHIC covers all immediate and clinically necessary treatment during your visit until you return home.
If you are unable to provide an EHIC you may be charged for the healthcare you receive.
If you have lost your EHIC, please click here. Choose your country of origin and click on 'Loss of Card' on the left hand side:
Visitors from Outside the European Economic Area (EEA)
Visitors from outside of the EEA, visiting the UK for 6 months or less, must pay for treatment unless exemption applies (details available from the Overseas Visitor Management Team).
If your visa allows you to stay in the UK for longer than six months, and you have paid the Health Surcharge, you will be entitled to access treatment on a similar basis as someone who is ordinarily resident here. Please be prepared to show evidence that you have paid the surcharge e.g. visa stamp on passport.
Pre-Attendance Form
On arrival for your appointment, you may be asked to fill in a Pre-Attendance Form which will enable us to verify your eligibility to free NHS care.
Documents which we may ask you to provide include:
- Passport
- UK Biometric Residence Permit or Visa
- National ID card
- Photo driving licence.
For proof of residency:
- Water, Gas, Electricity or Telephone bill
- Tenancy agreement
- Council Tax bill
- Bank/building society statement
- Payslip
- P60
- Statement from HMRC or DWP
Please make sure these documents are less than 3 months old.
Should you be unable to provide this information you may be liable to pay for any appropriate charges for the treatment you receive.
The Pre-Attendance Forms are available to download below in English, and other languages:
Pre-attendance Form
PreAttendance form word
Preattendance form Romanian
Preattendance form Polish
Preattendance Lithuanian
Preattendance form Urdu
Preattendance form Portugese
Overseas Visitors Further Information
More information on Overseas Visitors is available below:
Patient Leaflet
You can download the Trust’s patient leaflet by clicking here
Guidance on overseas visitor’s regulations:
Click here for further guidance on the regulations.
Visa & Immigration information:
Click here for visa & immigration information.
Vulnerable individuals’: Useful links
Certain groups may be particularly vulnerable but may also be chargeable. As a result of their vulnerability, they may need extra support through the charging process. This document contains some useful links regarding this support.
S1 Poster
The Form 'S1' (formerly E106/E121) is a certificate of entitlement to health care in another EEA country, provided via the social security authority in the patients home country. S1 Poster
S2 Poster
The S2 route may entitle patients to NHS-funded treatment in another European Economic Area (EEA) country or Switzerland. However, there are certain qualifying criteria that need to be met S2 Poster
European Economic Area (EEA) Map
The European Economic Area (EEA) is the area in which the Agreement on the EEA provides for the free movement of persons, goods, services and capital within the European Single Market, including the freedom to choose residence in any country within this area. Click here to view a map of the EEA.
The EEA is made up of the following countries:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.
European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)
A valid European Health Insurance Card gives you the right to access state-provided healthcare during a temporary stay in another European Economic Area (EEA) country or Switzerland. More information can be found here.
Provisional Replacement Certificate (PRC)
A Provisional Replacement Certificate (PRC) provides the same access to free healthcare as a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).
If you require a PRC, please contact the Overseas Visitors Team via the contact details above.
Ways in which people can be lawfully resident in the UK
Click here for more information on ways in which people can be lawfully resident in the UK.
Permanent Residents in the UK
If you are a Non-EEA National and have indefinite leave to remain in the UK and are living in the UK on a lawfully settled basis then you should be prepared to provide evidence of this in order to receive free treatment e.g. passport with relevant visa.
Similarly, UK/EEA Nationals may be required to show evidence that they are living in the UK on a settled basis