Our Quality and Safety Standards

At Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust, the quality and safety of your care are our highest priorities. There are national and local standards, policies and procedures to ensure you have the best possible outcomes and experience.

We adhere to the NHS Constitution for our standards and waiting times. We are inspected and regulated by national organisations who ensure we provide services to expected levels and meet our commitments within the National Health Service. We also take very seriously the feedback we get from patients and visitors and respond to concerns when they arise.

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Equality Impact Assessment

Equality Impact Assessment is a tool for helping us to consider the potential impact that our Trust activities might have on our community (staff, patients, carers & others), from different equality perspectives.

Equality Impact Assessment helps us provide better services to our patients, service users, carers and staff.  It encourages us to consider the impact of a service change, a policy or a project on people from any of the nine protected characteristic groups:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender Reassignment
  • Marriage & Civil Partnership
  • Pregnancy & Maternity
  • Race
  • Religion & Belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual Orientation


It looks at both positive and potentially negative impacts of the activity, to enable any necessary adjustments to be made at an early stage.

We aim to carry out an Equality Impact Assessment early in the planning, development or review of all activity within the Trust. This helps us ensure that equality is placed at the heart of everything we are doing. 

Equality Impact Assessment also helps us fulfil our legal obligations under equality legislation and make sure that all our activities help to promote equality, challenge discrimination, and are genuinely accessible to all. 

An example of a completed Equality Impact Analysis Screening Form[pdf] 347KB