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Prevention, Self Care & Promoting Independence
We will reshape our approach to prevention to create an environment where people stay healthy for longer, supports resilient communities, where self-care is the norm, digitally enabled where possible, and staff include prevention in all that they do.
Making Every Contact Count:
We are currently working on a coordinated roll out of Making Every Contact Count (MECC) across teams.
What is MECC? Making Every Contact Count ( MECC ) is an approach to behaviour change that utilises day to day interactions that organisations and individuals have with other people to support them in making positive changes to their physical and mental health and wellbeing.
Social Prescribing:
We have 6 Social prescribing pilot sites in Worcestershire in partnership with a range of Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) organisations. In Herefordshire, meetings are taking place to establish pockets of good practice so it can be shared across settings. We will also be providing information on social prescribing to staff, such as those in Neighbourhood teams.
What is social prescribing? It is defined as “a means of enabling primary care services to refer patients with social, emotional or practical needs to a range of local, non-clinical services, often provided by the voluntary and community sector.
Social Media:
We will be reviewing the use of social media and technology to support prevention and self-care. In addition to this, 14,000 people in Worcestershire have been supported to get online access and we have a wide network of digital champion volunteers. Progress is being made in Herefordshire to ensure people can use the internet to support health and wellbeing.
Lifestyle Change:
We are currently mapping the future model of lifestyle change services in Worcestershire. In Herefordshire we are reviewing ways to improve the uptake of the programme and how to reach the seldom heard.