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Specialist Mental Health Support for Teachers

Great to hear the news today that schools across the country will be offered additional mental health training as part of a new scheme.
Did you know? Within Worcestershire, services are already in place to equip professionals within our schools and children’s services to support young people with their mental health.
CAST; Consultation, Advice, Support and Training provides specialist mental health support to professionals working with children and young people. This may include; School nurses, teachers, GPs, health visitors, social workers and family support workers. The service empowers professionals understand their responsibility and role in supporting the mental health of a child or young person. This is achieved by giving recommendations on how to support the emotional and mental well-being of a young person through strategies and recommendations. The team can also give advice on issues that may be affecting groups of children for example, self-harm and if required, can provide individualised support to young people accessing local mental health services such as CAMHS.
To find out more about the service visit;