
Statement on Tenbury Community Hospital

Tenbury Hospital exterior

**Updated, June 2020**

Tenbury Community Hospital re-opened to admissions and is currently operating as normal. 

See below statement from April 2020

Tenbury Community Hospital is an important local service and is not at risk of permanent closure.

We have taken the decision to temporary close admissions to Tenbury Community Hospital as part of our response to the Covid-19 challenges. We recognise this has caused some concerns within the local area so want to provide reassurance that this is a temporary measure and the hospital is not at risk of permanent closure.

During the Covid 19 pandemic, across England, all hospitals are using fewer beds because it is safer to care for people at home whenever this is possible.

Locally since the middle of March we’ve had no more than 4 patients in Tenbury Hospital at any one time, often fewer (it has capacity for up to 19 beds) and it’s not sustainable to staff a hospital over a long period in the current situation with demand so reduced.

By comparison the local community team, which covers Tenbury, is supporting over 300 patients in their own homes and it’s vital we deploy staff where they are most needed, which could be into one of these community teams or into another service supporting our most unwell patients.

This is a temporary response to an unprecedented situation and Tenbury Hospital is not at risk of permanent closure.

We are reviewing the situation on a daily basis and will reopen admissions as soon as the beds are needed.

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