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Learning Disabilities Speech & Language Therapy
About Us
We are Speech and Language Therapists working as part of the Community Learning Disability Teams.
We are committed to providing person centred assessment, advice and support to adults with Learning Disabilities (LD) and their family/ carers.
Downloadable / Printable : Easy Read - About Us
What We Do
We offer assessment, advice and support for adults with a Learning Disability and their families/carers in a number of areas including:
- Speech, language and communication
- Eating and drinking
Sometimes we may signpost or refer you to another service which may be more suited to meeting your needs.
Downloadable/Printable: LDSLT info about our service including EHCP
Downloadable/Printable Easy Read: SLT what we do
Where Do We Work?
We can see people in different community settings for example:
- Person's own home
- Day service or work placement
- Supported living or shared lives placement
- Replacement Care Services
- Clinic
We have links with the Speech and Language Therapists who work in the hospitals in our area but Learning Disability Therapists do not see people in hospital as inpatients or outpatients.
Downloadable / Printable : Easy Read - Where do we work
Contact us
Hereford: 01432 222090
North Worcester: 01527 488555
South Worcester: 01905 520555
Email address: